13 abr 2012

Nikki Reed en posible evento el 21 de abril

For The Record April 13: The Skyy Infusion party appeared in print as being hosted by Alexander Skarsgard and Nikki Reed. The two are only attending the event.

Segun informa la pagina de LaTimes Nikki Reed estaría partcipando de una de las fiestas de Coachella 2012, donde seria la anfitriona de la fiesta "Skky Infusions Coconut Esape Pool Party" junto con Alexander Skarsgard. Sera cuestión de esperar por mas información...

"Skyy Infusions Coconut Escape Pool Party:
"True Blood" hottie Alexander Skarsgard and Nikki Reed are set to attend one of the most exclusive poolside events for Coachella's second weekend, in conjunction with Spin magazine. A couple of surprise performances are in the works, including one by a hot Grammy-nominated band. April 21, invite only."

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